When it comes to pressure washer maintenance there really is not a whole lot to it. Just make sure you are changing the oil, stabilizing the gas with a fuel stabilizer like Stabil, and lastly preserving the pump.
I recommend using the Briggs & Stratton Pressure Washer Pump Saver. You do not have to use this every time you are using your pressure washer, but if you are going to be storing it for a long time it is a good idea to help protect your pressure washer pump.
Some pressure washer manuals tell you to apply this every time you are finished power washing. I find that to be overkill even though it is a very cheap product. The only time I apply the pump saver is when I am winterizing the pressure washer or not going to be using it for more than a few weeks.
The pump saver protects your engine’s pistons and seals them from damage. It uses a special anti-freeze and lubrication formula that blocks out moisture and prevents cracking.
It also is going to lubricate your o rings and seals so they do not dry rot, freeze, crack, and burst.
I am sure you know what happens to water in the winter. It turns to ice and expands. The pump will not expand if it has ice inside and will freeze and crack. Then you need to replace the pressure washer pump and that can get expensive and difficult to do.
So if you are going to be storing your power washer for an extended amount of time you will want to use the Briggs and Stratton pump saver.
It is also beneficial to reapply it during the startup of the new season to help your pump run in tip top shape.
Now you may be thinking do I have to use a specific brand of pump saver? The answer is no. My main pressure washer is not a Briggs & Stratton, but I prefer their pump saver over my washer’s specific brand based on the fact that I can get it from Amazon for cheap and within a few days.
Using the pump saver is super easy. I have included a video below so you can see just how easy it is.
Hi, what about electric pressure washer? Would it be necessary to drain out the remaining water of the pump before using the saver by turning it on few seconds? Could this procedure be harmful for the machine?
Don’t turn on the machine without water running. Just tilt the machine and let the water drain out.